
  • We are currently working on a new release of MBROLE to update data used for the enrichment analysis and to include new functionalities.
  • We detected a major bug in MBROLE that was affecting the enrichment calculations from 5 October 2020 to 27 August 2021. While the effect on p-value and FDR was not large (in terms of swapping significant and non-significant), exact numbers were not correct.The problem is solved now. If you have used the server during that period, please discard the results and re-submit your job. If you need more information or you want to check in detail a job submitted in these dates, please contact us in the email below.
  • Release 4.0 of Human Metabolome Database introduced 7-digits accession numbers for metabolites. If your input includes these accession numbers you can still use them in MBROLE removing two leading zeros following the HMDB prefix (eg: HMDB0000005HMDB00005).