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Methodologies for studying protein co-evolution

Co-evolution, which can be defined as interdependence of evolutionary histories, is a fundamental part of evolutionary theories from the times of C. Darwin himself. Inter-species co-evolution and co-adaptation is known to have a large effect on the evolutionary paths and characteristics of the involved organisms. More recently, co-evolutionary concepts have been brought to the molecular level. The evolution of many genes/proteins is not independent but entangled to that of others. The same happens at a lower level for individual residues within proteins. Molecular co-evolution can be due to specific co-adaptation between the two co-evolving elements, where changes in one of them are compensated by changes in the other, or by a less specific external force affecting the evolutionary rates of both elements in a similar magnitude. In both cases, independently of the underlying cause, co-evolutionary signatures between genes/proteins serve as markers of physical interactions and/or functional relationships. For this reason, a plethora of computational methods emerged for studying co-evolution at the protein or residue level so as to predict features such as protein-protein interactions, residue contacts within protein structures and protein functional sites. Co-evolution allows proteins to change while maintaining their interactions and, consequently, it plays a very important role in key biological systems. For this reason, the application of those co-evolution inspired methodologies allowed to gain insight into de functioning of these systems.

More information

  • David Juan, Florencio Pazos and Alfonso Valencia (2013). Emerging methods in protein co-evolution. Nature Reviews Genetics. 14(4):249-261.
    [PubMed:23458856] [HTML] [PDF]
  • Available co-evolution related methods





    Main application

    Software Availability

    Servers and Databases


    Inter-residue co-evolution

    Mutual Information

    One Large famiy MSA

    Simple inter-position co-evolution

    Protein contacts (model selection for homology modeling)

    Java code (http://www.afodor.net/covariance1_1.zip )

    Coevolution analysis server (http://coevolution.gersteinlab.org/coevolution/)


    Mutual information corrected (Mip)

    One Large famiy MSA

    Inter-position co-evolution without phylogenetic contribution

    Protein contacts (model selection for homology modeling)

    Perl code (Suppl. Mat. Ref)



    One family alignment

    Simple inter-position co-evolution

    Protein contacts (model selection for homology modeling)

    Binary files for every OS (*) & Java code ( http://www.afodor.net/covariance1_1.zip)

    Coevolution analysis server (http://coevolution.gersteinlab.org/coevolution/)



    One small alignment [optional: second alignment or pdb]

    Inter-position co-evolution without phylogenetic contribution

    Protein contacts (model selection for homology modeling)

    Perl code (http://bioinf.gen.tcd.ie/~faresm/software/software.html#caps)

    CAPS server (http://bioinf.gen.tcd.ie/caps/home.html)


    DCA / DCA optimized

    One Large famiy MSA

    Pair specific Inter-position co-evolution

    Protein contacts (ab initio protein structure prediction)

    Matlab code (*)



    One Large famiy MSA

    Pair specific Inter-position co-evolution

    Protein contacts (ab initio protein structure prediction)

    Fortarn & C code (http://bioinfadmin.cs.ucl.ac.uk/downloads/PSICOV/)



    Evolutionary trace

    One family alignment [optional pdb and/or tree]


    Ligand and protein interaction specificity

    C code (http://mammoth.bcm.tmc.edu/downloads.html)

    Evolutionary Trace Server( http://mammoth.bcm.tmc.edu/ETserver.html)



    One family alignment and a tree


    Ligand and protein interaction specificity


    SDPsite Server (http://bioinf.fbb.msu.ru/SDPsite/index.jsp)


    Mutational behaviour

    One family alignment


    Ligand and protein interaction specificity

  • Binary files for every OS (*)
  • Included in the JDet package: http://csbg.cnb.csic.es/JDet/

  • Treedet Server (http://treedetv2.bioinfo.cnio.es/treedet/index.html)


    Sequence Space

    One family alignment

    SDPs and subfamilies

    Ligand and protein interaction specificity

    Binary files for every OS (*)



    One family alignment


    Ligand and protein interaction specificity

  • Binary files for every OS (*)
  • Included in the JDet package: http://csbg.cnb.csic.es/JDet/

  • Treedet Server (http://treedetv2.bioinfo.cnio.es/treedet/index.html)




    One family alignment

    Conditioned conservation

    Intra-protein pathways (allostery)

    Binary file for Windows (*) & Java code (http://www.afodor.net/covariance1_1.zip)



    One family alignment

    Subfamily -specific conservation

    Intra-protein pathways (allostery)

    Matlab toolbox (*)


    Inter-protein co-evolution


    Two alignments of orhtologous sequences

    Simple Inter-protein co-evolution

    Phyiscal and Functional Interactions

    Binary files for every OS (*)

    MirrorTree Server (http://csbg.cnb.csic.es/mtserver/)



    Two alignments of orhtologous sequences

    Simple Inter-protein co-evolution

    Phyiscal and Functional Interactions

    Binary files for every OS (*)



    Sequence distance matrixes for two sets of orthologous and for the species tree (16S rRNA tree)

    Inter-protein co-evolution without phylogenetic contribution

    Phyiscal and Functional Interactions

    Binary files for every OS (*)



    Evolutionary distances of a big set of groups of orthologs

    Pair specific inter-protein co-evolution

    Phyiscal and Functional Interactions

    Binary files for every OS (*)

    EcID database (http://ecid.bioinfo.cnio.es/)



    Sequence distance matrixes for two sets of homologs

    Inter-protein co-evolution of the strngest co-evolving sequence in the alignments

    Phyiscal and Functional Interactions

    Binary files for every OS (*)

    MatrixMatchMaker Web interface (http://www.uhnresearch.ca/labs/tillier/MMMWEBvII/MMMWEBvII.php) MMM-D: database of co-evolving proteins (http://tillier.uhnres.utoronto.ca/MMMD.php)


    Phylogenetic Profiles


    Sequences presence/ absence- associated inter-protein co-evolution

    Phyiscal and Functional Interactions


    STRING database (http://www.string-db.org/)


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    9. Kalinina, O. V., Gelfand, M. S. & Russell, R. B. Combining specificity determining and conserved residues improves functional site prediction. BMC Bioinformatics 10, 174 (2009).
    10. del Sol Mesa, A., Pazos, F. & Valencia, A. Automatic Methods for Predicting Functionally Important Residues. J. Mol. Biol. 326, 1289–1302 (2003).
    11. Casari, G., Sander, C. & Valencia, A. A method to predict functional residues in proteins. Nat. Struct. Biol. 2, 171–178 (1995).
    12. Rausell, A., Juan, D., Pazos, F. & Valencia, A. Protein interactions and ligand binding: from protein subfamilies to functional specificity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 1995–2000 (2010).
    13. Lockless, S. W. & Ranganathan, R. Evolutionarily conserved pathways of energetic connectivity in protein families. Science 286, 295–299 (1999).
    14. Reynolds, K. A., McLaughlin, R. N. & Ranganathan, R. Hot spots for allosteric regulation on protein surfaces. Cell 147, 1564–1575 (2011).
    15. Pazos, F. & Valencia, A. Similarity of phylogenetic trees as indicator of protein-protein interaction. Protein Eng. 14, 609–614 (2001).
    16. Pazos, F. & Valencia, A. In silico two-hybrid system for the selection of physically interacting protein pairs. Proteins 47, 219–227 (2002).
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    © 2012, Computational Systems Biology Group. CNB-CSIC