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Cerebellar ataxia-deafness-narcolepsy syndrome
1 OMIM reference -
1 associated gene
43 connected diseases
No signs/symptoms info
Disease Type of connection
Precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21)(q22;q22) translocation
ICF syndrome
Weaver syndrome
Familial retinoblastoma
Monosomy 13q14
Unilateral retinoblastoma
Atypical Rett syndrome
Intellectual deficit, X-linked - psychosis - macroorchidism
Rett syndrome
Severe neonatal-onset encephalopathy with microcephaly
Trisomy Xq28
X-linked non-syndromic intellectual deficit
Adrenocortical carcinoma
B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Chronic myeloid leukemia
Essential thrombocythemia
Familial pancreatic carcinoma
Familial platelet syndrome with predisposition to acute myelogenous leukemia
Giant cell glioblastoma
Isolated delta-storage pool disease
Li-Fraumeni syndrome
Papillary or follicular thyroid carcinoma
Papilloma of choroid plexus
Cowden syndrome
Proteus syndrome
Autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome
17q11 microdeletion syndrome
46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis
Autosomal agammaglobulinemia
Denys-Drash syndrome
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor
Extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma
Familial idiopathic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome with diffuse mesangial sclerosis
Familial idiopathic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome with focal segmental hyalinosis
Frasier syndrome
Meacham syndrome
Sporadic idiopathic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome with diffuse mesangial sclerosis
Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus
WAGR syndrome
Acute promyelocytic leukemia
- Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia-deafness-narcolepsy syndrome

Classification (Orphanet):
- Rare developmental defect during embryogenesis
- Rare genetic disease
- Rare neurologic disease
- Rare otorhinolaryngologic disease

Classification (ICD10):
(no data available)

Epidemiological data:
Class of prevalence: <1 / 1 000 000
Average age onset: adulthood
Average age of death: -
Type of inheritance: autosomal dominant
External references:
1 OMIM reference -
No MeSH references

Gene symbol UniProt reference OMIM reference
DNMT1 P26358126375
No signs/symptoms info available.