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1 OMIM reference -
1 associated gene
26 signs/symptoms
1 OMIM reference -
1 associated gene
4 signs/symptoms
Metatropic dysplasia
Familial digital arthropathy-brachydactyly



Citations in the biomedical literature:

Metatropic dysplasia
Familial digital arthropathy-brachydactyly

Metatropic dysplasia
Familial digital arthropathy-brachydactyly

- Metatropic dwarfism

(no synonyms)

Classification (Orphanet):
- Rare bone disease
- Rare developmental defect during embryogenesis
- Rare genetic disease
Classification (Orphanet):
- Rare bone disease
- Rare developmental defect during embryogenesis
- Rare genetic disease

Classification (ICD10):
- Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities -
Classification (ICD10):
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue -

Epidemiological data:
Class of prevalence: <1 / 1 000 000
Average age onset: neonatal/infancy
Average age of death: any age
Type of inheritance: autosomal dominant
Epidemiological data:
Class of prevalence: unknown
Average age onset: neonatal/infancy
Average age of death: -
Type of inheritance: autosomal dominant

External references:
1 OMIM reference -
1 MeSH reference: C537356
External references:
1 OMIM reference -
No MeSH references

Metatropic dysplasia
Familial digital arthropathy-brachydactyly

Very frequent
- Abnormal vertebral size / shape
- Abnormal / absent ossification
- Anomalies of the ribs
- Autosomal recessive inheritance
- Cortical anomaly / thick bone cortical layer
- Depressed nasal bridge
- Dysostosis / chondrodysplasia / osteodysplasia / osteochondrosis / skeletal dysplasia
- High forehead
- Intervertebral disk anomaly
- Kyphosis
- Long rib cage / thorax
- Metaphyseal anomaly
- Narrow rib cage / thorax
- Pelvis anomaly / Narrow / broad iliac wings / pubis abnormality
- Restricted joint mobility / joint stiffness / ankylosis
- Rough trabeculation of bone
- Scoliosis
- Short limbs / micromelia / brachymelia
- Short stature / dwarfism / nanism

- Camptodactyly of fingers
- Cataract / lens opacification
- Cleft palate without cleft lip / submucosal cleft palate / bifid uvula
- Clinodactyly of fifth finger
- Hydrocephaly
- Hypoplastic lungs / pulmonary hypoplasia / agenesis
- Low set ears / posteriorly rotated ears

Very frequent
- Anomalies of cartilages, joints and periarticular tissue
- Autosomal dominant inheritance
- Irregular length / shape of fingers
- Short hand / brachydactyly