Known bugs
Currently the following bugs have been detected in JDet.
Drag and drop files doesn't work in OSX.
Several error detected in linux with more than one display: Maximization and resizing dimensions are wrong and java3D dependent windows will not load in the secondary display.
- When running S3Det from the command line, you can not run more than one instance at the same time in the same working directory due to interferences of temporary files.
Fixed bugs (bugs are named for the version in which they were detected, therefore they were fixed in the next version):
Version 1.4.8: S3Det could produce nonsense results in some very specific cases.
Version 1.4.7: S3det does not accept more than one parameter.
Version 1.4.6: Search for structures not working because NCBI BLAST refuses non HTTPs connections.
S3det and xDet executable permissions not copied in ant build.
Incompatibilities of S3det executable for Linux i646
Version 1.4.5: S3det executable for Linux i646 not working for some linux distributions.
Version 1.4.4: When maximizing the alignment window instead of resizing, sequences at the end of the alignment out of the scope of the minimized window are not shown.
Version 1.4.3: The bug described for version 1.4.2 is still present when pdb files are loaded directly from pdb site.
Version 1.4.2: Structure alignments are based in the primary sequence of PDB files (SEQRES tag). Since structure information not always matches with the primary sequence, selected residues could differ between alignment and structure view . Please check that residues in your selection are correct while this bug is fixed.
Version 1.4.1: Blast against RSBC webservices is no longer supported by RSBC. Since version 1.4.2 blast is performed against NCBI servers
If you want to report new bugs or be noticed about new versions and fixed bugs please send an email to Juan A. Garcia Martin ().
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